Posts Tagged ‘residential wind turbine’
Saturday, August 6th, 2011
residential wind turbine products Only Available From The residential wind turbine systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making residential wind turbine work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.
The first system pictured here it the TowerMill, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price/performance system available for residential wind turbine. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill is such a superior product to anything else out there.
The second system pictured is the RoofMill, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your residential electric bill.
Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about buying a system for your residential, or becoming a dealer. WindEnergy7-com
Science & Technology
residential wind turbine
residential windmill
residential wind turbines
residential windmills
residential wind energy
residential electric windmill
Tags: residential electric windmill, residential wind energy, residential wind turbine, residential wind turbines, residential windmill, residential windmills
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Sunday, January 30th, 2011
ONLY AVAILABLE FROM: WindEnergy7-Com – WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturers, located in Ohio, have an opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer in their local community. WindEnergy7 has a dealer and installer network in more than 30 states all across the US. We invented the home wind turbine kit and specialize in complete systems with outstanding technical support and installer training. – residential wind power products Only Available From The residential wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making residential wind power work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7. The first system pictured here it the TowerMill™, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price system available for residential wind power. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill™ system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill™ is such a superior product to anything else out there. The second system pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your residential electric bill. Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a system for your residential. WindEnergy7-com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OR VISIT US AT: – WIND …
Video Rating: 0 / 5
These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.
Tags: geothermal residential, power, residential, residential photovoltaic, residential solar panel, residential solar system, residential solar systems, residential wind energy, residential wind generator, residential wind generators, residential wind turbine, residential wind turbines, residential windmill, residential windmills, wind, WindEnergy7
Posted in wind energy | 4 Comments »
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 – These new home wind turbine jobs are popping up in communities all across the US and Canada. The home wind turbine kit job turned out to give the local electricians a couple of days of work. In todays economy, home wind turbine jobs are important. There are people selling and installing these new home wind turbine kits for all across the US.
RoofMill™, is the invention of WindEnergy7 LLC founder, pictured in the video. This patent pending invention released last year has won the Think Green Design Award 2010, in a contest by Allied Electronics. RoofMill™ Advance Home Energy System, it’s a grid tied home wind turbine generator together with rooftop solar panels in a complete “Whole House” system. It has emergency UPS for your home and can run your meter backwards selling unused power.
ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com – WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. Home wind turbine jobs are created for local installation and sales in each community where the home wind turbine kits are adopted and sold. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.
Tags: electric wind turbine, residential wind turbine, roof wind turbines, vertical wind turbine, vertical wind turbines, wind energy turbine, wind energy turbines, wind power turbine, wind turbine alternator, wind turbine companies, wind turbine cost, wind turbine job, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, windmill turbine
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Thursday, September 16th, 2010
WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio Based Home Wind and Solar Energy Product Manufacturer. We are the Inventor of the RoofMill™, the first and only complete Wind/Solar Hybrid system kit. We also sell the TowerMIll™, the fist and only complete engineered Wind/Solar Hybrid system for use as a tower mounted Home Wind Turbine system.
Home Wind Turbines, We have patented the home wind turbine kit for people to easily install and deploy a home wind turbine. Home wind turbines for business, farm, and residential. Our home wind turbine is a precision machined and well balanced home wind turbine. Our patented rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind/solar technology. We invented the only rooftop home wind turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified in every state to 130mph.
Our home wind turbine systems are Wind/Solar Hybrid, and are qualified for government tax credits of 30%. So, for your investment made in these systems the IRS credits you back 30% within one year of purchase. You get 30% back from the IRS. So, basically the government will pay for almost 1/3 of your investment made in your new home wind turbine energy system. This includes all installation costs and expenses and is a real nice start on your investment payback.
Free electricity isn’t all you get from a new home wind turbine, as soon as your system is up, you have improved your home value by at least an equal amount of the investment. Your green energy home is more likely to sell compared to others with no home generation or emergency power system. Think about it. Look at homes for sale.. Can any of them generate their own free electricity, how many can compete with such a solid green energy capability like your home wind turbine delivers. Its also an attention getter and will bring people to see what its about if you ever need to sell, your home has a dramatic edge and a higher resale value.
Our system design won the coveted Allied Think Green Design Contest. We hold patents for our home wind turbine inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our home wind turbines, an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts, Canada, Europe. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our home wind turbine training.
Our home wind turbine systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your home wind turbine and installation costs.
To contact WindEnergy7 Please fill out our Contact Form. You can find out about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our home wind turbine systems.
Click here to find out about becoming a wind turbine dealer.
Tags: electric wind turbine, residential wind turbine, roof wind turbines, vertical wind turbine, vertical wind turbines, wind energy turbine, wind energy turbines, wind power turbine, wind turbine alternator, wind turbine companies, wind turbine cost, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, windmill turbine
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Wind Turbines For The Home.. Our Specialty. We have wind turbines for the home installed in several dozen states from California to Massachusetts. Our wind turbines for the home come in a complete kit of engineered components. We don’t just sell a few loose parts and leave you hanging like many others who sell wind energy.
We sell the most advanced hybrid home energy system in the US, the Home Wind Farm™. The system features integrated wind and solar hybrid generation, emergency battery backup for the home and more. The pictures below show one of our most recent installations of our Home Wind Farm™ systems. The Home Wind Farm™ system is an exclusive innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbines and solar electric products.
Our 2 moving part systems feature the elegant design that will last. Where competitors have many, many parts prone to failure, our systems feature ElectroBrake™ speed limitation method and tried and true HardTail™ directional control technology.
Our Jumbo Solar Panel upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. These panels are 197 watts each and are WindEnergy 7 high output polycrystalline modules. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy.
The intelligent layout is by the WindEnergy7 dealer installer. This was part of the planning that optimizes the wind harvesting of the 3 turbine Home Wind Farm™ system. Wind patterns are considered and the turbines are located in the best possible place for wind harvesting.
Featured in the video above, the TowerMill™ is a larger tower mounted or pole mounted system that is a wind/solar hybrid energy system that puts out 4.0kW per unit. These Home Wind Turbines sit atop a 45′ monopole tower. Customers can start with one or several. The Home Wind Farm concept allows a customer to step into this technology with a smaller investment and prove out their investment as they go. The modular turbine array concept allows for easy bolt on expansion to a system. A customer can add more power at any time whether they are using the TowerMill™, or the roof mounted RoofMill™.
WindEnergy7 pioneered the concept of multiple wind turbine arrays as an innovation of the US manufacturer. Home Wind Farm™ was initially used with another WindEnergy7 innovation, the RoofMill™, an invention of mounting smaller home wind turbines on a roof. The RoofMill™ won a green design contest on Earth Day 2010, an esteemed green design award.
Whether you need a TowerMill™, or a RoofMill™, WindEnergy7 systems are all designed as integrated hybrid wind/solar power. This is another innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC system design. Our Jumbo Solar Panels upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. Our great big WindEnergy7 high output polycrystalline modules are working in tandem making our system much more consistent and reliable at delivering energy every day. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy. Compared to a home solar only system, our wind turbines make power at night, on cloudy days, and when there’s heavy overcast storms. We have 4way™ Emergency Power which is another hallmark that makes a WindEnergy7 system better than any competing home energy system. With our systems you have 4way™ Wind. Solar, Battery Bank, and Grid as sources for power when you need it and your home will have power with or without the utility company. Since this Home Wind Farm features redundant systems, this home even has power if a turbine system were to get knocked out or fail, there are two complete systems that can each run without the other.
Contact us today to find out how we can provide a world-class system for your specific needs. We specialize in complete system design and installation, and don’t sell you a loose bunch of stuff to figure out on your own. WindEnergy7 LLC is your single source for harvesting energy from wind and solar. We have a nationwide network of local dealers and installers across the US.
To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to — WindEnergy7.Com — and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our rooftop wind turbine systems. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at — — and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your surrounding county territory. You can buy a system online and we ship by UPS. You may become a dealer and or installer if you like, just fill out the Contact Form and let us know what we can do to help you.
Tags: electric wind turbine, residential wind turbine, roof wind turbines, vertical wind turbine, vertical wind turbines, wind energy turbine, wind energy turbines, wind power turbine, wind turbine alternator, wind turbine companies, wind turbine cost, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, windmill turbine
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010
Home Wind Turbine Ice and Snow – WindEnergy7 LLC , We are the inventor of the rooftop home wind turbine kit. This video shows our home wind turbine kit in the ice and snow, heavy winter conditions. Like all other conditions, our sturdy all-weater systems hold up to any weather and just keep making green energy for your home. As shown in the home wind turbine video, these home wind turbine kits keep spinning in heavy snow and ice during winter.
With the rising costs of today’s electricity, many homeowners are motivated by free electricity. With the current environmental situation, many home wind turbine buyers are motivated by the clean renewable energy, reducing pollution and carbon footprint. In todays economy, many are motivated to save money, living off their free electricity and these home wind turbine jobs are important. There are people selling and installing these new home wind turbine kits for all across the US.
WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. Home wind turbine jobs are created for local installation and sales in each community where the home wind turbine kits are adopted and sold. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form.
Tags: electric wind turbine, residential wind turbine, roof wind turbines, vertical wind turbine, vertical wind turbines, wind energy turbine, wind energy turbines, wind power turbine, wind turbine alternator, wind turbine companies, wind turbine cost, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, windmill turbine
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010
Buy Wind Turbines – WindEnergy7 LLC , You can buy wind turbines from WindEnergy7 direct, or buy wind turbines from one of our local wind turbine dealers. Buy our patented rooftop wind turbine system with hybrid wind/solar technology. We invented the only rooftop turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home. WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of small wind energy products, you can buy wind turbines from us online, or buy wind turbines from a local dealer. Whether you buy wind turbines online or buy wind turbines locally, you will get our outstanding support, training, and engineering. We hold patents for our inventions, systems that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our products and an installed base stretching from California to New Jersey. Customers find our kits to be easy to build and understand. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our wind turbine training.
Our systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your hardware and installation costs. Buy wind turbines from WindEnergy7, we got what you need.
Tags: electric wind turbine, residential wind turbine, roof wind turbines, vertical wind turbine, vertical wind turbines, wind energy turbine, wind energy turbines, wind power turbine, wind turbine alternator, wind turbine companies, wind turbine cost, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, windmill turbine
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Saturday, December 6th, 2008
Despite the bad economy, our wind turbine kits are selling at a brisk pace. That’s because of the great investment that a home wind turbine represents. Many early adopters are already seeing their investment grow in value. A WindEnergy7 turbine owner reports…
“We put in our home wind turbines in the fall and started making power. Then, Congress passed the bailout bill this fall, it added a 30% tax credit for small-wind projects. So, our investment qualifies for a tax credit there. Additionally our electricity company announced electricity rate hikes of 15% for each of next three years. That’s about 50% alltogether. Electricity costs are rising sharply and insiders report that utilities are planning to make a run at us similar to what oil companies pulled in 2007-2008. We are glad we made the jump, it made sense months ago, and since then our payback has really accelerated for the investment.”
Anyone think electricty rates are not rising fast? Just look at all the rate hikes nationally are rolling forward at an quick pace. Read News on Electricity Rate Hikes.

The industry experts are predicting home wind power to grow 40% next year, even in a down market. Our sales at reflect that for sure and we have been signing up many who are becoming wind turbine dealers. U.S. firms control 98% of the small-wind market, in contrast to large-scale wind and solar, in which foreign manufacturers dominate. So, with regard to creating green jobs, small wind is the best way to get involved.
Since the tax credit and electricity rate increses, our phone has been ringing off the hook. We are so glad that our equipment is helping consumers. Sales into Michigan and Oklahoma are especially strong where three new dealers are stimulating the sales of out home wind turbine kits.
Homeowners build and install wind/solar hybrid systems with our kits starting at just under $3000 bucks and going up to whatever size project a customer needs.

Our best selling kit is the smaller rooftop mounted turbines because they are affordable, upgradeable, and efficient. The kits can connect with a solar panel to give clean reliable power to any home. As long as you have a wind resource of zone 2 or better, the turbines will pay for themselves. Please check our wind maps for your area.

Our wind/solar hybrid systems are ideal. You see, since the wind is stronger in the winter months, sun is stronger in the summer months, we designed a system that is attractively priced, that gives an even flow of energy year round. Our kits put out far more reliably and will perform much better than other turbines. Small DIY Wind Turbine Generator Kits
See Small Wind Turbine Tax Credit
To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer
Tags: energy in wind, energy of wind, home wind turbine, home wind turbine power, home wind turbines, residential wind turbine, residential wind turbine vertical, residential wind turbines, vertical home wind turbine, wind and energy, wind energy, wind energy how, wind for energy, wind turbine for home, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for residential
Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments »
Friday, October 10th, 2008
> sam, do you ever think prices will come down on this stuff. i would
> like to go solar and wind but the prices are steep.
Sure, prices will come down. But these home wind/solar systems pay for themselves in 5 to 10 years, depending on wind/solar resources and your systems design. That’s a system that keeps making power for more than 30 years of life. That makes it a very, very sound investment and a good deal too. One of my goals it to lower costs through volume, but quality and value is first. These systems are the best price/performance ever made and easily pay for themselves, right now.

Anyone doesn’t think so should spend more time doing math and comparing it to any other investment. Of course it’s…
– Only good for people who use electricity.
– Only good for people who pay for electricity every month.
– Only good for people who own a home, acreage, or business.
That includes many, many prospective customers. Name me one, just one thing, that you could potentially sell those people that could give them 20 years of free electricity AND pay for itself. It’s at worst a 10 year return on investment (ROI), runs another 20 years, that’s 300% on the money invested. That’s if electricity costs never even go up, then it’s even better. AEP Ohio just announced 15% increase for each of next three years. Utility insiders and employees are reporting a coming run-up like we just had with oil.
How Sure An Investment Is This Home Wind Turbine?
It’s a s sure as the wind will blow, the utility company will send you a bill, and you will need electricity for your house.
So, eep an eye on my blog. I am beginning a series of articles to start educating my dealer and customer network. The articles start with first in series is, my favorite subject. I start with The economics of price/cost and return on investment (ROI).
I think that most people really don’t see clearly how good this is as a personal and family economic investment. I see very clearly as I sit here all day doing these analysis of system ROI. It’s amazing. I wish I was rich. If I were, I would plow every single dime into wind generation < AT CURRENT COSTS >. No doubt.
The first article in the educational series should post tonight, maybe tomorrow at my blog. I’m going to systemtically lay out how to do wind system ROI FIRST. Then how to judge correct systems size/performance for a situation. Then start educating all about the systems, components, issues, technology. Some of that will be on the secured part of my site, for the dealers only. But allot of it will be for anyone, customers and whoever is interested.
If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.
Tags: home wind turbine, residential wind turbine, small wind turbine, solar wind turbine, vertical axis wind turbine, vertical wind turbine, wind turbine, wind turbine blade, wind turbine cost, wind turbine generator, wind turbine kw, wind turbine model, wind turbine power, wind turbines
Posted in wind energy | No Comments »
Thursday, October 9th, 2008
Building your home wind turbine is pretty simple and allot of fun. The kits from are made to be quick and easy with assembly taking about an hour. You can look at the finished home wind turbine kits here. Of course the turbine is only part of a real home energy system like you see in the video below. That’s why people buy systems from WindEnergy7 LLC, because we ONLY SELL COMPLETE SYSTEMS. We don’t sell parts and pieces, a home wind turbine kit from us is a complete system of matched components, engineered to work as planned. We back you up with technical support, training, and even help you become a Wind/Solar Dealer for your area if you like. See Movie Below, Home Wind Turbine Kit
Since the new law was passed for the 30% IRS tax credit, customers get 30% of their system paid for by the IRS. All our system are qualified for full 30% credit. We have been fielding calls and emails from all over the country. This past year, we installed home wind/solar kits from Hawaii to New Jersey, Canada, and Europe. A home wind turbine kit is such a good investment. You can read about the new home wind turbine tax incentives here.
We are starting a network of dealers and distributors right now and many people are getting in on this now, involvement is open to all interested. I am however not talking dealershp details to anyone who isn’t a customer first. If you buy a system, you can become a dealer with no further investment. There’s a very simple agreement and structure, all win/win. Based on geographic areas you can stake a claim now.

On a higher level of dealer involvement, is looking to create ONLY A FEW distributor level dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a system, now you really in a position to show and help others do same. That’s about all the detail we can offer without being in the dealer group and under the NDA (non disclosure agreement).
Have a look at these windmaps at the link above and see can you pinpoint what number your area is in. 2 is OK and anything over 2 is very good. Let’s double check your wind resources are good. Check Your Wind Map Here
The hybrid rooftop wind turbine system in the video above is is around $16,000 for Grid-Tie system with battery back-up. Single turbine systems start at around $6000. That has every component with it (except batteries) which you buy locally, is a matched kit of components. It’s really a handyman level install, many folks put it in themselves and many have an electrician finish it up for safety. Pay by credit card secured, takes about 3 weeks to pack and ship, the home wind turbine kits go out UPS Ground with Free Shipping.
Our systems come with the whole Wind Turbine, Blades, Cone, Tail, Roofmount Kit, Pole, Charge Controllers, Solar Panels, Hardware, Inverter etc. The whole Kit of matched components is a complete home energy system. Did you see the blog post about the 30% federal tax break law, as soon as word got out on that new tax incentive just passed, This sites traffic went up dramatically in one day and sales are brisk ever since.
If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.
Tags: home made wind turbine, home turbine wind, home wind energy, home wind power kits, home wind turbine, home wind turbine generator, home wind turbine kit, home wind turbine kits, home wind turbines, home wind turbines kits, residential wind turbine, residential wind turbine kits, small wind turbine, small wind turbine kits, solar wind turbine, turbine kits, vertical axis wind turbine, vertical wind turbine, water turbine kits, wind turbine, wind turbine blade, wind turbine cost, wind turbine for home, wind turbine generator, wind turbine home use, wind turbine kw, wind turbine model, wind turbine power, wind turbines, wind turbines for homes, wind turbines for the home, wind turbines kits
Posted in solar energy, wind energy | 4 Comments »