Posts Tagged ‘oklahoma wind’

Home Wind Turbine, Rooftop Residential Wind Turbines

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Home Wind Systems are a way to take control of your energy needs. Nationwide, homeowners are building and installing wind/solar hybrid systems. WindEnergy7 has complete kits of matching components starting at just $2990. We also sell larger turbines and towers up to whatever size project a customer needs. However, because our systems are designed to be so modular and expandable, we recommend that customers and dealers start out with a base kit. It’s easy and cheap to get started, and you can add on as you wish. As you can see in this picture, two or more systems can be easily coupled together. We sell a kit that is a three turbine kit, goes on a rooftop.

wind-energy wind turbine rooftop wind solar hybrid

Our best selling kit is the smaller rooftop mounted turbine that connects with a solar panel to give clean reliable power at 850 watts of Wind/Solar Hybrid power. The cycles of heavy wind season in winter, heavy solar season in summer go hand in hand with our hybrid wind/solar systems. Also, when solar is dead at night, wind is typically stronger at night. There’s a synergy of generation in these wind/solar hybrids that helps to make a system more consistent.

home turbine home wind turbine home turbines turbines for home turbines for homes turbines homes wind turbines for homes home made turbine turbines for the home wind turbine for home turbine for home home built turbine home built turbines home turbine power home made turbines turbines home use wind turbines home use home gas turbine home wind turbine generators turbine

We designed a heavy duty, high tech system that is attractively priced, that gives an even flow of energy year round. Many interested in home wind power are exploring homegrown junkyard turbines to build yourself. They will look like what they are when finished, junkyard turbines. They will not look like these kits above that we sell. For most people, a professionally designed, attractive, high tech kit is the way to to. It’s way simple to assemble and put up and is more attractive at the home. Small DIY Wind Turbine Generator Kits

See Small Wind Turbine Tax Credit

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Oklahoma Energy, Needs Change In Leadership?

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

If you live in Oklahoma, your state allows Net Metering. But, I encourage you to contact your state representatives, governor, and Public Utility Officials to encourage changes and progress. Because if you compare your state’s policy and law to progressive model states like Colorado, you will see that your rights are stifled by “Big Utility Friendly” policy. Your state’s policy needs serious changes to be on par with a state like Colorado, where the policy favors consumers and taxpayers. Oklahoma taxpayers should be demanding changes.

Your state’s representatives, governor, and public utility commission officials are not in your corner with this “soft policy” on Net Metering. Instead they have the tables turned against green power for businesses and homeowners. Here’s a page with more info about what Net Metering is and what the issues are exactly.

home turbine home wind turbine home turbines turbines for home turbines for homes turbines homes wind turbines for homes home made turbine turbines for the home wind turbine for home turbine for home home built turbine home built turbines home turbine power home made turbines turbines home use wind turbines home use home gas turbine home wind turbine generators turbine

Oklahoma’s size limits on net metering are problematic, 100 kW or 25,000 kWh/year (whichever is less). Many larger residences and businesses require more power than this. States with ideal net metering policies allow for very large systems, if a business, local government, school district, or consumer wants to put in a large system, the governments policies should encourage, and allow this.

Oklahoma’s treatment of NEG (net excess generated) is also a problem compared to other states with good net metering policy. NEG is granted to utility monthly or credited to customer’s next bill. BUT, this (varies by utility) a standard policy needs to be set, a policy that forces Utilities to buy back at full retail rate, 1 to 1, same as they charge a consumer.

Utilities Involved are Investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives regulated by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. This means that there may be Utilities run by community co-op that are not required to support your rights to green energy.

In Oklahoma Net metering has been available in Oklahoma since 1988, under Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) Order 326195. The OCC’s rules require investor-owned utilities and electric cooperatives under the commission’s jurisdiction to file net-metering tariffs for customer-owned renewable-energy systems and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) facilities up to 100 kilowatts (kW) in capacity. Net metering is available to all customer classes. There is no limit on the amount of aggregate net-metered capacity.
A Utility company is not allowed to impose extra charges for customers signed up for net metering. They also cannot require new liability insurance as a condition for interconnection.

Oklahoma Utility companies not required to purchase net excess generation (NEG) from customers. However, a customer may request that the utility purchase NEG. In the utility agrees, then NEG will be purchased at the utility’s avoided-cost rate (which is usually lower than what the power actually costs a consumer.) Other states have policy that requires a FULL RETAIL buy back of your generated power, not Oklahoma, that needs to change. This is another way that big business Utilities and corrupt government officials hold back the progress of home wind power and solar for consumers.

See WindPowerForum Topic For More, Oklahoma Net Metering

Demand Change, Contact:
George Kiser
Oklahoma Corporation Commission
Public Utility Division
2201 N. Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: (405) 521-6878
Fax: (405) 522-3371

Office of Governor Brad Henry
State Capitol Building
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Telephone: (405) 521-2342
Fax: (405) 521-3353

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.