Archive for the ‘wind energy’ Category

WindEnergy7, Home Wind Turbine Generator Kit

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

WindEnergy7 LLC – Ohio Based Home Wind Turbine, and Solar Energy Product Manufacturer. Inventor of the RoofMill™, the first and only complete Wind/Solar Hybrid system kit. We also sell the TowerMIll™, the fist and only complete engineered Wind/Solar Hybrid system for use as a tower mounted Home Wind Turbine system.

I grew up in far west Texas, same area as the most productive wind farms in Texas. I used to work on Aermotor water windmills on the Delaware mountain ranch where I worked during the summer in high school. texas wind turbine water windmill texasThis is the location of a very successful 35 MegaWatt wind farm today. My fathers ranch in Texas had productive home windmills producing water for the cattle. So, I’ve always been into windmills and how reliable they are to operate etc.

texas wind turbine water windmill texas

I have decided to show customers a few of the windmills here from the ranch. The great experience that I had in my early years were what has driven me to the inventions and innovations that WindEnergy7 LLC has in it’s product lines. You see, I am not new to windmills and windpower. My family has used wind power for many generations to water our cattle. My family has been watering cattle awhile in Texas, were ranching in Texas before the range was fenced. WindPower is great and always has been a reliable source of proven energy. I have been around windmills my whole life. I have applied my experience and skill into the most advanced Home Wind Energy technology available today.

texas wind turbine water windmill texas

These windmills pictured have run for many, many years. Although they are quite different from my Home Wind Turbine systems that I sell today, you would be surprised how much I have carried into my new technology. My new systems are designed to withstand heavy winds, to be reliable and maintenance free for a long service life. My WindEnergy7 systems are not toys, but serious heavy duty hardware. You can see the West Texas desert landscape I come from. These windmills are pumping from about 900 to 1100 feet deep, watering 150 head of thirsty big cattle every day. There’s no other source of water. Thus, Durability, Reliability, Dependability, are requirements that I put into anything I design. Have a look at this video below. This is my modern windmill for the home, a rooftop design called the RoofMill™. Watch how stout my hardware holds up in a serious wind storm. It’s every bit as serious hardware as the durable, reliable old windmills I grew up with. CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO PLAY.

This system above is my invention, the RoofMill™ system from WindEnergy7, an invention creating green jobs for US workers. The RoofMill™ provides free electricity, energy security, lower carbon footprint, and emergency back-up power for your residence. From the day of installation, a home windmill has improved your property value. Additionally, you will save money on your electric bill from that day forward. You can install the home wind turbine system yourself, or get an estimate from your local Electrician for a turn-key installation. You can also become the local dealer if there’s not one already established.

The opportunity that I promote today is the ability to have your own wind turbines for your residence, community school, farm or ranch. The economic opportunity of wind power is for ALL individuals and landowners, not just power companies and super rich developers. Windpower, its benefits and economics are fully scaleable, from giant utility wind turbines all the way down to a small home wind turbine.

This is a TowerfMill™ system from WindEnergy7, another innovation creating green jobs for US workers. The TowerMill™ provides free electricity, energy security, lower carbon footprint, and emergency back-up power for your residence. If you have the space for a windmill tower, this product may be something you would like. You will save money on your electric bill from the day it is installed. You can get an estimate from your local Electrician for a turn-key installation. We will train and support all the people involved to get it done. You can also become the local dealer if there’s not one already established. CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO PLAY.

So, that’s what I do and what WindEnergy7 is about. I am working on wind projects and turbines of this scale all over the world. I started WindEnergy7 to facilitate the growth of small wind turbine technology and to change the future of home energy. I have projects in design, fabrication, distribution, and servicing of wind turbines. My goal is to assist homeowners, landowners, and small communities. I have trained customers, dealers, and installers, from Hawaii to New Jersey, Canada, and Europe. We proudly manufacture and ship from Ohio USA.

There’s one more thing. It’s the 7 in WindEnergy7, I get asked “What’s with the 7 in the name?” Well, our country is hard focussed on wind and solar energy, renewable energy expansion. Billions and Billions of our tax dollars are being spent to retool the big utility companies generation methods toward wind, solar, and hydro electric. Also, at the same time billions are spent updating and expanding the grid. It’s wrong headed, and all a terrible mistake… You see, a little known fact is that on average nationally 7% of electricity is LOST IN TRANSMISSION over the grid between where it’s generated and where it’s used. Think about that. 7% wasted before it gets to the point of use!

That 7% is what my company and my technology is about. 7 is so key to my mission that I put it in the company name. It is about my vision of our energy future that is most correct. More correct than any politician or expert you have ever heard, is my company’s vision of our energy future. I have the technology to generate energy at the point of use, to minimize and eliminate that 7% loss. How good is any kind of energy with 7% you create just getting lost.

Would you support an oil pipeline that leaks out 7% on the ground from point A to point B? How about an oil tanker that leaked 7% of the energy resources out in the water as it shipped oil from point A to point B? Or what about if you gas up your car and 7% spilled out on the driveway. Or if you drove that car with the brake on all the time and lost 7% of your gas mileage. Not smart. Just because you cannot see electricity wasted in transmission does not mean it has no value. Whether electricity is made from Coal, Diesel, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Hydroelectric, Wind, or Solar, if you send it over the grid, 7% is wasted, lost in transmission over a grid. It’s a fact. It’s called resistance and as electricity is pushed over distances, heat is built up in the wires, that is loss of energy.

In addition I see our politicians blowing our money to retool big utility companies infrastructure. WHY? These big utility companies are making big profits, continually raising prices at will. Why are (WE) paying for (THEIR) new wind and solar capability? They are using OUR tax dollars to retool, then will be selling us power at a higher cost? The kicker is it’s from freely available wind and sun! You have your own wind, your own sun, and now with a RoofMill™ or TowerMill™ , You can have your own electricity made at home. My mission? To bring that technology to others and strengthen all our economic futures by lowering or eliminating the electrical bill for homes all over the world. I am doing it at my home, and am helping others do it too. That’s what the 7 is about to me and what my companies mission is about.

To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to – WindEnergy7.Com – and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our rooftop wind turbine RoofMill™ systems, or our new tower mounted wind turbines the TowerMill™. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at – – and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your surrounding county territory. You can buy a system online and we ship by UPS. If becoming a dealer interests you, See The Turbine Dealer Video Here. You may become a dealer and or installer if you like, just fill out the Contact Form and let us know what we can do to help you.

Home Wind Turbine

Sunday, September 12th, 2010 – There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at – – and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your county.

You will find links to pictures that I have published of home wind turbine rooftop system installations done recently. Some are featured in newspaper articles and so forth. WindEnergy7 LLC has invented and filed for patents on a few of the technologies that make home rooftop wind turbines feasible. We have been busy training and supporting owners and dealers from California to New Jersey over the past couple of years to expand our network of local home wind turbine dealers.

Our home wind turbene systems are Wind/Solar Hybrid, and are qualified for government tax crdedits of 30%. So, for your investment made in these systems the IRS credits you back 30% within one year of purchase. You get 30% back from the IRS. So, basically the government will pay for almost 1/3 of your investment made in your new home wind turbine energy system. This includes all installation costs and expenses and is a real nice start on your investment payback.

Free electricity isnt all you get from a new home wind turbine, as soon as your system is up, you have improved your home value by atleast an equal amount of the investment. Your green energy home is more likely to sell compared to others with no home generation or emergency power system. Think about it. Look at homes for sale.. Can any of them generate their own free electricity, how many can compete with such a solid green energy capability like your home wind turbine delivers. Its also an attention getter and will bring people to see what its about if you ever need to sell, your home has a dramatic edge and a higher resale value.

The home wind turbine systems are designed for reliable power output for the next 30 years or so. With every price increase of the utility company power your investment gets better all the time. Utility costs are rising all over and will accelerate over the next few years. We expect the cost of electricity to rise and double over Obamas term in office due to cap and trade and increased regulation and market pressure.

To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to – – and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our home wind turbine systems. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at – – and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your county.

Tags:home turbine wind, home wind turbine, home wind turbines, wind turbines for the home, wind turbines for homes, wind turbine for home, home made wind turbine, home built wind turbine, home wind power turbine, home wind turbine power, small home wind turbine, home wind turbine generators, vertical home wind turbine, a home wind turbine, home wind turbine generator, home wind turbine energy, home wind turbine cost 

Small Wind Turbines

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Author: WindEnergy7
Added : 10 Months Ago

Small Wind Turbines – Our exclusive small wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a small wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our small wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer. The small wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor. Less moving parts in a small wind turbine means less wear, less noise and vibration making the small wind turbine quiet on your home’s roof. Our small wind turbine will run smoothly and spin your meter backwards. We have more installed rooftop small wind turbines than anyone because we actually have a working successful design, unlike all the wannabe rooftop small wind turbines on the internet. That’s because we have solved the noise and vibration that is the problem of all other systems out there who try to put small wind turbines on a rooftop.

Showing results 1 -7 out of 7
SmallWindTurbines   (1 Week Ago)
Buy a small wind turbine from this established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Their small wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7, an Ohio manufacturer. The small wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor.
HomeWindGenerator   (2 Weeks Ago)
These patented small wind turbine rooftop kits is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a small wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our small wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7, an Ohio manufacturer. The small wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor.
HomePowerWind   (3 Weeks Ago)
Small wind turbines are our business. WindEnergy7 has patented the invention pictured here. Other systems will be too wobbly and noisy, having poor balance and vibrating parts. Small wind turbines, Home Wind Turbines, it’s what we do. WindEnergy7 . ComRoofMill™ is an exclusive invention of WindEnergy7. It’s the most advanced home wind turbine solution there is.TowerMill™ is our tower mounted system. If you have an acre or more and want a tower wind system.
RooftopWind   (2 Months Ago)
A Small Wind Turbine is a great investment. The day you install a Small Wind Turbine, you have the small wind turbine as a hard asset, a small improvement, creating the equal value of property improvement. Then, the small wind turbine makes free energy for you every day, a steady stream of valuable energy from your small wind turbine. The small wind turbine either reduces or eliminates your electric bill from now on. That’s just outstanding. And, the IRS pays for 30% of small wind turbine.
WindEnergy7   (3 Months Ago)
@FabioCarvalho2050 Thanks man, there’s so many hours of work to get this so quiet and smooth.
FabioCarvalho2050   (4 Months Ago)
Congratulations, beautiful design
HomeWindmills7   (5 Months Ago)
Congratulations. The system featured here RoofMill™, is the invention of WindEnergy7 LLC founder, pictured in the video. This patent pending invention released last year has won the Think Green Design Award 2010, in a contest by Allied Electronics. RoofMill™ Advance Home Energy System, it’s a grid tied home wind turbine generator together with rooftop solar panels in a complete “Whole House” system. It has emergency UPS for your home and can run your meter backwards selling unused power.
SolarInstaller7   (9 Months Ago)
Small wind turbines, nice. I made one also shows the home wind turbines to work really well. Check out my videos and give me a friend, favorite, subscription, or comment… Peace.

Home Wind Turbine

Sunday, September 5th, 2010 has recently installed the most advanced hybrid home energy system in the US, the Home Wind Farm™. The system has a maximum power output of over 10kW. This Home Wind Turbine system features redundant charging capability, integrated wind and solar hybrid generation, emergency battery backup for the home and more. The videos in this playlist show one of our most recent installations of our Home Wind Farm™ systems. The Home Wind Farm™ system is an exclusive innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbines and solar electric products.’


Home Wind Farm™ comes in two options, The RoofMill™ and or the TowerMill™:.

The RoofMill™, pictured below, is for residential, urban, and suburban areas where it is too crowded to erect a tower, or permitting is too difficult. Many homeowners do not have enough land to erect a larger windmill tower. The RoofMill™ uses the roof as a wind collector and concentrator to take advantage of what is called the roof effect of wind as it accelerates and is concentrated going over a roof peak.

kansas wind kansas solar kansas wind turbines kansas solar power solar panels kansas

The TowerMill™, pictured below, is a more conventional use of wind power using a freestanding, 30′ to 60′ steel monopole tower to put the WindEnergy7 wind turbine upon. Most customers purchasing a The TowerMill™ system have atleast a 1/2 acre lot or live in suburban and rural settings. As featured in the videos here it’s a big hit with Farmers and ranchers to power their remote homes, barns, and water pumping stations.

kansas wind kansas solar kansas wind turbines kansas solar power solar panels kansas

Whichever system the customer prefers our turbines are built almost identically but are of different size and power output to fit a customers need and budget. We have COMPLETE systems starting at about $6500 and can configure systems large enough to power anything a customer or community could require. WindEnergy7 is a manufacturer of both wind and solar products, so we can accomodate all csale of wind or solar project that a customer may have.

Our 2 moving part turbines feature the elegant design that will last through the years of service. Where competitors have many, many parts prone to failure, our systems feature ElectroBrake™ speed limitation method and tried and true HardTail™ directional control technology which allow for the system to perform with less moving parts. The more moving parts a turbine system has, the more prone to wear and failure a turbine is.

Hybrid Wind/Solar Power: All out systems feature wind and solar together as Hybrid Energy Systems. Our Jumbo Solar Panel upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. These panels are 197 watts each and are WindEnergy 7 high output polycrystalline modules. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy.

Featured in the video above, the TowerMill™ is a larger tower mounted or pole mounted system that is a wind/solar hybrid energy system that puts out 4.0kW per unit. These Home Wind Turbines sit atop a 32′ to 60′ monopole tower. Customers can start with one or several. The Home Wind Farm concept allows a customer to step into this technology with a smaller investment and prove out their investment as they go.

The Home Wind Farm™ is another innovation and invention of WindEnergy7. The modular turbine array concept we pioneered allows for easy bolt on expansion to a system. A customer can add more power at any time whether they are using the TowerMill™, or the roof mounted RoofMill™.

WindEnergy7 pioneered the concept of multiple wind turbine arrays as an innovation of the US manufacturer. Home Wind Farm™ was initially used with another WindEnergy7 innovation, the RoofMill™, an invention of mounting smaller home wind turbines on a roof. The RoofMill™ won a green design contest on Earth Day 2010, an esteemed green design award.

Whether you need a TowerMill™, or a RoofMill™, WindEnergy7 systems are all designed as integrated hybrid wind/solar power. This is another innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC system design. Our Jumbo Solar Panels upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. Our great big WindEnergy7 high output polycrystalline modules are working in tandem making our system much more consistent and reliable at delivering energy every day. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy. Compared to a home solar only system, our wind turbines make power at night, on cloudy days, and when there’s heavy overcast storms. We have 4way™ Emergency Power which is another hallmark that makes a WindEnergy7 system better than any competing home energy system. With our systems you have 4way Emergency Power™ Wind. Solar, Battery Bank, and Grid as sources for power when you need it and your home will have power with or without the utility company. Since this Home Wind Farm™ features redundant systems, this home even has power if a turbine system were to get knocked out or fail, there are two complete systems that can each run without the other.

Contact us today to find out how we can provide a world-class system for your specific needs. We specialize in complete system design and installation, and don’t sell you a loose bunch of stuff to figure out on your own. WindEnergy7 LLC is your single source for harvesting energy from wind and solar. We have a nationwide network of local dealers and installers across the US.

To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to — WindEnergy7.Com — and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our rooftop wind turbine systems. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at — — and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your surrounding county territory. You can buy a system online and we ship by UPS. You may become a wind generator dealer and or installer if you like, just fill out the Contact Form and let us know what we can do to help you.

©WindEnergy7 LLC All Rights Reserved

Wind Turbines For The Home

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Wind Turbines For The Home.. Our Specialty. We have wind turbines for the home installed in several dozen states from California to Massachusetts. Our wind turbines for the home come in a complete kit of engineered components. We don’t just sell a few loose parts and leave you hanging like many others who sell wind energy.

We sell the most advanced hybrid home energy system in the US, the Home Wind Farm™. The system features integrated wind and solar hybrid generation, emergency battery backup for the home and more. The pictures below show one of our most recent installations of our Home Wind Farm™ systems. The Home Wind Farm™ system is an exclusive innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbines and solar electric products.

Our 2 moving part systems feature the elegant design that will last. Where competitors have many, many parts prone to failure, our systems feature ElectroBrake™ speed limitation method and tried and true HardTail™ directional control technology.

Our Jumbo Solar Panel upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. These panels are 197 watts each and are WindEnergy 7 high output polycrystalline modules. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy.

The intelligent layout is by the WindEnergy7 dealer installer. This was part of the planning that optimizes the wind harvesting of the 3 turbine Home Wind Farm™ system. Wind patterns are considered and the turbines are located in the best possible place for wind harvesting.

Featured in the video above, the TowerMill™ is a larger tower mounted or pole mounted system that is a wind/solar hybrid energy system that puts out 4.0kW per unit. These Home Wind Turbines sit atop a 45′ monopole tower. Customers can start with one or several. The Home Wind Farm concept allows a customer to step into this technology with a smaller investment and prove out their investment as they go. The modular turbine array concept allows for easy bolt on expansion to a system. A customer can add more power at any time whether they are using the TowerMill™, or the roof mounted RoofMill™.

WindEnergy7 pioneered the concept of multiple wind turbine arrays as an innovation of the US manufacturer. Home Wind Farm™ was initially used with another WindEnergy7 innovation, the RoofMill™, an invention of mounting smaller home wind turbines on a roof. The RoofMill™ won a green design contest on Earth Day 2010, an esteemed green design award.

Whether you need a TowerMill™, or a RoofMill™, WindEnergy7 systems are all designed as integrated hybrid wind/solar power. This is another innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC system design. Our Jumbo Solar Panels upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. Our great big WindEnergy7 high output polycrystalline modules are working in tandem making our system much more consistent and reliable at delivering energy every day. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy. Compared to a home solar only system, our wind turbines make power at night, on cloudy days, and when there’s heavy overcast storms. We have 4way™ Emergency Power which is another hallmark that makes a WindEnergy7 system better than any competing home energy system. With our systems you have 4way™ Wind. Solar, Battery Bank, and Grid as sources for power when you need it and your home will have power with or without the utility company. Since this Home Wind Farm features redundant systems, this home even has power if a turbine system were to get knocked out or fail, there are two complete systems that can each run without the other.

Contact us today to find out how we can provide a world-class system for your specific needs. We specialize in complete system design and installation, and don’t sell you a loose bunch of stuff to figure out on your own. WindEnergy7 LLC is your single source for harvesting energy from wind and solar. We have a nationwide network of local dealers and installers across the US.

To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to — WindEnergy7.Com — and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our rooftop wind turbine systems. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at — — and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your surrounding county territory. You can buy a system online and we ship by UPS. You may become a dealer and or installer if you like, just fill out the Contact Form and let us know what we can do to help you.

Wind Turbine Dealer

Friday, September 3rd, 2010 – You Become a Wind Turbine Dealer, Wind/Solar Hybrid System Dealer. We are forming a customer/dealer & distributor network. Dealership details and wind turbine dealer agreements are only available to customers who have purchased a system and want to then become a home wind turbine dealer. If you buy a system, you can become a dealer with no further investment. There’s a very simple agreement and structure, all win/win.

You must be committed enough to buy a system and learn from us about our wind turbines from direct experience. We take much time and great effort to educate customers and dealers all about wind/solar hybrid technology. Making dealership details available to customers only helps us to separate those who just look at opportunities from people who will act. is granting dealer territory by county map. So the opportunity to be exclusive dealer for your county and surrounding counties is most likely still available. This is a first come first serve opportunity and counties are going fast to new dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a system. As a turbine owner you are now really in a position to show and help others do same. As a customer of you will be learning everything about home wind turbines and will become very comfortable with the technology. You will notice how interested friends and neighbors are, and how systems are so easy to sell. Once you have bought a system, all you have to invest to be a dealer is your time and effort.

Email us for dealer inquiry, we can reply with current system pricing and availability.

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please go to WINDENERGY7.COM, then fill out our Contact Form.

Kansas Wind and Kansas Solar

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Kansas Solar and Wind is a great source of home energy. The Kansas plains have long been the breadbasket of America. So it’s no surprise that the same sun Kansas enjoys for farming provides an equally great resource for Kansas solar home energy. The vast plains allow winds to sweep steadily through giving Kansas very consistent winds that give Kansas a bright future for clean energy.

Kansas Solar and Kansas Solar Installer

Kansas Solar Incentives, Kansas Solar Rebates:
There are government incentives and resources available to Kansas residents for home solar projects. Your WindEnergy7 dealer can help with the forms and get you back 30% of your installed cost for a home energy system for your residence, farm, or ranch.

Kansas Net-Metering
Your WindEnergy7 solar energy system can run either off-grid, like a remote hunting cabin or water pumping station.. Or, it can run as a Grid-Tied system. Grid-Tie means your extra energy will actually run your meter backwards, forcing the utility company to buy your electricity from you, that’s called Net Metering.

kansas solar-kit-electric-solar-system-install kansas

Kansas House Bill 2844, passed in 2006, established net-metering rules for Kansas utilities. Net-metering is available for systems that generate 10kW or less. Net excess generation is credited to the customer’s next bill until the end of a 12-month billing cycle. After 12 months if you generate more than you use, you’ve just made a donation to your utility company (but it’s for a good cause since you’re using clean power). Reimbursement is however capped at 1% of the total number of kilowatt hours sold by the utility. This means that up to that 1%, customers are credited at the retail rate for the power they generate. Beyond the 1% cap, the utility reimburses customers at 150% of the wholesale rate.

Kansas has a Great wind and solar rating. That means installing a wind/solar electricity system is a cost-effective, efficient means of generating power for your home. Installing a typical 4kW RoofMill system from WindEnergy7 in Kansas with installation would run about $20,500.

You would get back 30% of installed cost in Kansas with the tax credits available to you. Taking out the 30% makes average cost installed about $14,350. Recap $20,500 – 30% Tax Credit = $14,350

Fast ROI (return on investment) in home value. That 4.2kW system immediately provides an $15,600 estimated property value increase. So, from the date of installation your property value is increased dramatically. The system making your home a green home, great for the environment and pocket book, with emergency power, the ability to run off-grid if ever you need that. So, now we take out the immediate value in home improvement and property value and there’s already a positive ROI. Recap $20,500 – 30% Tax Credit = $14,350 – $15,600 in Property Improvement Value = $1,250 positive value. But that’s just the beginning, now there’s free electricity for atleast the next 30 years.

kansas solar-kit-electric-solar-system-install kansas

With your new system, you’d save each month on your utility bills, and your property value would go up too. The system should pay for itself in free electricity for your home, and you’d get to keep about 160 tons of greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere in that time! Here are some other important details about your home energy system:

• Only 250 square feet of roof area required
• $15,600 estimated property value increase
• Utility bill savings over the next 30 years

With all that space in Kansas, solar and wind energy will really make a difference in the future of the state. WindEnergy7 has customers, dealers, and installers doing this same thing from Hawaii to Massachusetts. Kansas is really one of the better places for wind and sun. Home wind/solar energy systems are a great value and a smart thing to do for BOTH the environment and the pocketbook. You can either lower or eliminate your electric bill forever. Starts with a phone call to WindEnergy7 and we will take you from start to finish.

kansas wind kansas solar kansas wind turbines kansas solar power solar panels kansas

If you are committed enough to buy a system and learn from us about our wind turbines from direct experience, you can become a dealer. We take so much time and effort to educate customers and dealers all about wind/solar hybrid technology.

kansas wind kansas solar kansas wind turbines kansas solar power solar panels kansas is granting dealer territory by county map. So the opportunity to be exclusive dealer for your county and surrounding counties is most likely still available. This is a first come first serve opportunity and counties are going fast to new dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a system. As a turbine owner you are now really in a position to show and help others do same. As a customer of you will be learning everything about home wind turbines and will become very comfortable with the technology. You will notice how interested friends and neighbors are, and how systems are so easy to sell. Once you have bought a system, all you have to invest to be a dealer is your time and effort.

Email us for dealer inquiry, we can reply with current system pricing and availability.

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Geothermal Pumps

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Geothermal Pumps are being used by WindEnergy7 customers to combine with their wind/solar hybrid energy systems. By using a geothermal pump for their home or business, they can minimize the electricity needed for heating and cooling. Heating and Cooling a residence or business accounts for a big p[art of electricity required.
Why are Geothermal Pumps are so efficient?

Geothermal Pumps, similar to common Heat Pumps, except Geothermal Pumps they rely on the heat of the earth which is stable and even year round. Geothermal Pumps use the earth’s underground temperature to provide hot water, heating, and air conditioning.

From the highest temperature areas in the desert southwest, to the cold winters of the northeast, many parts of the United States experience extreme seasonal temperatures. However, only a few feet underground, the temperature of the soil stays at a constant temperature. Temperatures do vary according to latitude, at six feet underground, temperatures range from 45 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

A cave or cavern is a great example of the consistent underground temperature. The air underground in a cavern is a constant, cooler temperature than the air above ground. In the winter, cave temperature is warmer than the air outside.

So, Geothermal Pumps exploit this constant underground temperature and use it to balance out the extremes of both geographic location and seasonal weather changes. In the winter, a Geothermal Pump moves the heat from the earth into your house. In the summer, a Geothermal Pump takes heat from your home and cools it by circulating it it into the ground.

Approximately 70 percent of the energy used in a Geothermal Pump system is renewable energy from the ground. The earth’s constant underground temperature is what makes Geothermal Pumps the most quiet and efficient heating and cooling technologies available. A Geothermal Pump is more costly to install than regular Heating and Colling systems, but with lower energy bills they are a great investment. Matter of fact, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, who now includes Geothermal Pumps in the types of products rated in the EnergyStar® program, a Geothermal Pump will save you 30 to 40% on heating, cooling, and hot water. Since a Geothermal Pump is mechanically simple and outside parts are below ground, protected from the weather, maintenance costs are lower too.

How Does Geothermal Pump Compare?

Utilities have found that homeowners using Geothermal Pumps rate them highly when compared to conventional systems. Figures indicate that more than 95 percent of all Geothermal Pump owners would recommend a similar system to their friends and family.

Cost And Return on Investment

Replacing an existing HVAC unit with an efficient geothermal system saves enough on utility bills that the investment can be recouped in five to ten years.

A Geothermal Pump system costs about $2,500 per ton of capacity. The typically sized home would use a three-ton unit costing roughly $7,500. That initial cost is nearly twice the price of a regular HVAC system that would probably cost about $4,000, with air conditioning.
You have to add the cost of drilling to this cost. The final cost of a Geothermal Pump will depend on whether your system will drill vertically deep underground or will put the loops in a horizontal fashion a shorter distance below ground. The cost of drilling can run anywhere from $7,000 to $26,000, or more depending on the terrain and other site conditions.
What is Durability of Geothermal

Geothermal Pumps are dependable and require minimal maintenance. Geothermal Pumps have fewer moving parts than other systems, and most of the parts are sheltered from weather, under ground. The piping used in the underground system is often guaranteed to last 25 to 50 years. Warm and cool air are distributed through ductwork, just as in a regular forced-air system. Geothermal Pumps have no outside condensing units to make noise like air conditioners, they are quiet while operating.

How Do Geothermal Pumps Work?

Geothermal Pumps don’t create heat by burning fuel, like a furnace. In winter a Geothermal Pump collects the Earth’s natural heat through a series of pipes in a loop, installed below ground or submersed in a pond or lake. Fluid circulates through the loop carrying heat. In the house, an electrical compressor and heat exchanger concentrate the Earth’s energy releasing it inside the home at a higher temperature. Then ductwork is used to distribute the heat to different rooms.
In summer, this process is reversed. Underground, the loop pulls heat from the house allowing it to be absorbed by the Earth. The Geothermal Pump cools your home the same way a refrigerator keeps food cool – it draws heat from the interior, not by blowing in cold air.

The loop that is buried underground is usually made of high-density polyethylene, the tough plastic allows heat to pass through efficiently. Installers connect sections of pipe by heat fusing the joints, making the connections stronger than the pipe itself. The fluid in the loop is water or an environmentally safe antifreeze solution that circulates through the pipes in a closed system.
Geothermal Pumps may use a loop of copper piping placed underground. When refrigerant is pumped through the copper loop, heat is transferred directly through the copper to the earth.
Types of Geothermal Pump Loops

Geothermal Pump systems are not do-it-yourself projects. The piping should be installed by professionals. Designing the system also calls for professional expertise: the length of the loop depends upon a number of factors, including the type of loop configuration used; your home’s heating and air conditioning load; local soil conditions and landscaping; and the severity of your climate. Larger homes requiring more heating or air conditioning generally need larger loops than smaller homes. Homes in climates where temperatures are extreme also generally require larger loops.

A Horizontal Ground Loop is usually the most cost effective when trenches are easy to dig and the size of the yard is adequate. The trenches are dug three to six feet below the ground. A series of parallel plastic pipes are used, then you backfill the trench. Typical horizontal loop will be 400 to 600 feet long for each ton of heating and cooling.

A Vertical Ground Loop is used where there is little yard space, when surface rocks make digging impractical. Vertical holes 150 to 450 feet deep – much like wells – are bored in the ground, and a single loop of pipe with a U-bend at the bottom is inserted before the hole is backfilled. Vertical loops are generally more expensive to install, but require less piping than horizontal loops because the Earth’s temperature is more stable farther below the surface.

A Pond Loop design may be the most economical when a home is near a body of water such as a shallow pond or lake. Fluid circulates underwater through polyethylene piping in a closed system, just as it does through ground loops. The pipes may be coiled in a slinky shape to fit more of it into a given amount of space. Since it is a closed system, it results in no adverse impacts on the aquatic system.


If you are committed enough to buy a system and learn from us about our wind turbines from direct experience, you can become a dealer. We take so much time and effort to educate customers and dealers all about wind/solar hybrid technology. is granting dealer territory by county map. So the opportunity to be exclusive dealer for your county and surrounding counties is most likely still available. This is a first come first serve opportunity and counties are going fast to new dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a system. As a turbine owner you are now really in a position to show and help others do same. As a customer of you will be learning everything about home wind turbines and will become very comfortable with the technology. You will notice how interested friends and neighbors are, and how systems are so easy to sell. Once you have bought a system, all you have to invest to be a dealer is your time and effort.

Email us for dealer inquiry, we can reply with current system pricing and availability.

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Home Wind Turbines

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Home Wind TurbinesWindEnergy7 LLC – An Ohio manufacturer of home wind turbine kits. Our patented home wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a home wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our home wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer.

The home wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor. Less moving parts in a home wind turbine means less wear, less noise and vibration making the home wind turbine quiet on your home’s roof. Our home wind turbine will run smoothly and spin your meter backwards. We have more installed rooftop home wind turbines than anyone because we have solved the noise and vibration that is the problem of all other systems out there who try to put home wind turbines on a rooftop.

Small Wind Turbine

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Small Wind TurbineWindEnergy7 LLC , Our patented small wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a small wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our small wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer.

The small wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor. Less moving parts in a small wind turbine means less wear, less noise and vibration making the small wind turbine quiet on your home’s roof. Our small wind turbine will run smoothly and spin your meter backwards. We have more installed rooftop small wind turbines than anyone because we actually have a working successful design, unlike all the wannabe rooftop small wind turbines on the internet. That’s because we have solved the noise and vibration that is the problem of all other systems out there who try to put small wind turbines on a rooftop.