Posts Tagged ‘WindEnergy7 ge ecomagination’

Home Wind Power – WindEnergy7

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

ONLY AVAILABLE FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturers, located in Ohio, have an opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer in their local community. WindEnergy7 has a dealer and installer network in more than 30 states all across the US. We invented the home wind turbine kit and specialize in complete systems with outstanding technical support and installer training. – Home wind power products Only Available From The home wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making home wind power work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7. The first system pictured here it the TowerMill, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price system available for home wind power. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill is such a superior product to anything else out there. The second system pictured is the RoofMill, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your home electric bill. Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a system for your home. WindEnergy7-com
Video Rating: 0 / 5 — Wind Turbines For The Home & Home Solar Panels is Our Specialty. We have wind turbines for the home installed in several dozen states from California to Massachusetts. Our wind turbines for the home come in a complete kit of engineeed components. We don’t just sell a few loose parts and leave you hanging like many others who sell wind energy. We sell the most advanced hybrid home energy system in the US, the Home Wind Farm™. The system features integrated wind and solar hybrid generation, emergency battery backup for the home and more. The pictures below show one of our most recent installations of our Home Wind Farm™ systems. The Home Wind Farm™ system is an exclusive innovation of WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbines and solar electric products. Our 2 moving part systems feature the elegant design that will last. Where competitors have many, many parts prone to failure, our systems feature ElectroBrake™ speed limitation method and tried and true HardTail™ directional control technology. Our Jumbo Solar Panel upgrades shown below put out 197 watts per panel and add the reliability of solar charging to the systems. These panels are 197 watts each and are WindEnergy 7 high output polycrystalline modules. In cases of low wind your solar power will continue to deliver energy. The intelligent layout is by the WindEnergy7 dealer installer. This was part of the planning that optimizes the wind harvesting of the 3 turbine Home Wind

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.

Home Wind Power Kits

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

HOME WIND POWER KITS FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. – inventors of the Home Wind Power Kits. Our Home Wind Power Kits are complete systems that have all matched and engineered components that are designed and proven as a complete system. To ensure customer’s are successful.. We don’t just sell them parts and turn our back, leaving them to figure out too much stuff. We sell ONLY complete systems of matched parts. These systems come with complete expert support and training. With our Home Wind Power Kits, you are trained and supported by experts who know all about the systems and how to solve your problems.

The Home Wind Power Kits are for sale online here at the site. Customers can pay by credit card and we ship by UPS. If you are interested in getting a system you may want to hurry. To take advantage of the 30% tax credit this year, you need to buy your wind power kit and install hardware this month, you can get 30% of that back on your taxes.

Our wind turbine rooftop hybrid kits start at 90 for an off grid. To see and buy our Home Wind Power Kits. Our whole house systems go all the way up to 190 for a 4.2kW whole house grid tied system. Anyone wanting a small wind turbine, fill out the contact form and I can connect you with the dealer for your area. There are still areas open for new dealers but county territories and entire states are being established now, a few states completely established. So, if you are interested in becoming a dealer fill out the same form and we can see if your area may

RoofMill™, is the original Roof Mount Wind Turbine Kit invented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine products. Installed all across the US, Canada, and Europe, the RoofMill™ is the perfect home energy system.

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.