Posts Tagged ‘wind turbine for home use’

STEP 1: Home Wind Turbine 101, Electricity Used and Cost

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

STEP 1: Electricity Used and Cost

This is the first in a series of quick and brief (DIY) Do It Yourself articles from  It is best if you read this series in order because they are written to benefit readers in that way. Our goal is to help educate customers not just sell products.  Many customers actually become dealers, because they have learned so much when they are done. The first step in installing a home wind turbine is to determine how much electricity you use in your home or business. Your electrical energy is measured and sold in kilowatt-hours (KWH), so you need to find out how many kilowatt-hours (KWH) you use per month.

On your home, you can read your utility meter, but it’s easier to simply reference your utility bill.  The utility bill usually displays a summary of the past year’s electrical usage, maybe an average. If you’re planning new construction, you’ll need to estimate your electrical use. Reviewing your utility bills from your current home or another existing home with a similar range of appliances. The best you can do on new construction is only be a guess, your actual usage may vary considerably. 

How Much Electricity: Your main goal for the electrical needs analysis is to come up with the number of KWH per year that you want your wind system to generate. Without this analysis, you’re more likely to end up being unhappy with your investment in wind power. 

What Does it Cost: Your second goal is to figure out exactly what this electricity kilowatt-hours (KWH) is costing you. That is critical in doing the return on investment (ROI) of a system. Our goal at is to help people econolmically, to lower your energy costs.  So, you will notice this as a big difference in our company and others, we focus heavily on return on investment (ROI). We want to make sure that any money you spend on green energy is a good investment first.  It’s great that the environment and planet are saved too, but these systems are usually a great investment in your personal economic future.

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Without knowing your electricity use and costs, you cannot begin to communicate with your dealer about a system.  You cannot decide on what would be a good system for you or what it may cost.  Most importantly, you cannot connect the dots, financially, to see the savings and payback of your home wind turbine.  So, this is our first step of a personal energy systems design.  Our goal in these articles is education, to put buyers in a situation to actually help themselves.  Our site and products at is designed to be a true (DIY) Do It Yourself resource.

Homework: Find out what your electrical use is in kwH, Find out what you cost per kwH is.

Next Step, Article 2

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.