Posts Tagged ‘wind energy designs’

Wind Turbine Designs

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Wind Turbine Designs, there’s only one that stands in the clear, successful. That’s HAWT (horizontal axis wind turbine). Wind Turbine designs are important because it dictates the success or failure of your system.

The systems pictured are inventions of WIND ENERGY 7 and are only available from the website at WindEnergy7-com or one if their dealers. The proper mix of Renewable energy and non renewable energy is a public concern for many reasons. Non renewable energy costs like oil, gasoline, natural gas and all non renewable energy sources are going up in cost. The world has limited resources and these non renewable energy resources come for unstable and hostile countries. That’s why the US and other countries have been working towards renewable energy resources to power their economies.

There are a lot of different kinds of renewable energy, solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass are just to name a few. There’s only so many of these that a HOMEOWNER can take advantage of himself. That’s where WindEnergy7 comes in with their renewable home energy systems that use BOTH wind and solar.

Residential wind power products Only Available From The residential wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making residential wind power work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.

The system pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your residential electric bill.

Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about buying a system for your residential. WindEnergy7-com

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vertical wind turbine designs
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