Posts Tagged ‘texas wind energy’

WindEnergy7 LLC

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

WindEnergy7 LLC rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind/solar technology. The products shown here are only available from WINDENERGY7-COM because they are our invention. We invented the only rooftop turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified to 130mph. Only Available at WIND ENERGY 7 (dot) COM

WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. We hold patents for our inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our products and an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our wind turbine training.

Our systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your hardware and installation costs.

Visit our site at WINDENERGY7 . COM and fill out a contact form.

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Texas Wind Energy Success in Culberson County

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Van Horn Texas Wind EnergyThe Delaware Mountain Wind Farm in Culberson County Texas is been in operation since going live in 1999. This site has wind turbines producing 30 MW of green renewable energy.

American National Wind Power is a subsidiary of National Wind Power. This wind farm is National Wind Power’s (NWP) first project in Texas and is located in Culberson County, northeast of the town of Van Horn in West Texas.

delaware mountain wind farm

The ranch on which it is built is used for raising cattle and deer and is also the site of the West Texas Wind Farm Power Project, described below. Given the right legislative environment, NWP plan to develop it to a full potential of 250MW.

LCRA Wind Farm in Culberson County Texas Wind Power

The power produced by the Delaware Mountain Wind Farm is purchased by the Lower Colorado River Authority (Austin, Texas) and Reliant Energy HL&P (Houston, Texas) for distribution to their customers.

ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has an opportunity for people who buy a home energy system to become the local dealer for home wind turbines. We are one of the few places where green jobs are actually being created. – A US manufacturer of home wind turbine kits. Our patented home wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a home wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our home wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer.

RoofMill™, is the invention of WindEnergy7 LLC founder, speaking in the video. This patent pending invention released last year has won the Think Green Design Award 2010, in a contest by Allied Electronics. RoofMill™ Advance Home Energy System, it’s a grid tied home wind turbine generator together with rooftop solar panels in a complete “Whole House” system. It has emergency UPS for your home and can run your meter backwards selling unused power.

To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Texas Windmill, Wind Energy in Texas, Texas First Wind Farm

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Located in the Delaware Mountains of West Texas, close to the Guadalupe Mountains National park, this successful wind farm is only a few miles from the highest peak in the Lone Star State. The farm is owned by the General Land Office & Lower Colorado River Authority. It is a 35 MW producing successful venture located in Culberson County, Texas. This farm has been cranking out power since go-live in 1995.wind farm texas

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) teamed with the General Land Office GLO) and private industry to develop this commercial wind power plant, the first in Texas. The Texas Wind Power Project, located in Culberson County in West Texas, has 112 Kenetech 33M-VS wind turbines capable of generating 35 megawatts of electricity — enough to power 12,000 to 15,000 homes. Since the ribbon-cutting for the Texas Wind Power Project in 1995, the Texas’ Permanent School Fund earned more than $750.000 from it. The project is expected to earn more than $3 million for the PSF and create $300 million in increased economic activity over the 25-year lease period.

Well, I might as well let people know.  This Texas’ Permanent School Fund sounds great, but fact is, the CCISD, Culberson County Independant School District is very poor and having a hard time.  I can’t see what benefit that this wind farm has brought the local community of Van Horn, the county seat.  Aside from a guy or two that now have jobs watching the wind farm and maintaining, the schhol district is still very poor and not benefiting from the wind farm in any visible way.  The power in fact is transmitted all the way to Austin on some of the county’s wind farms.

These systems are ONLY AVAILABLE FROM WindEnergy7-Com, We manufacture our patented inventions, the home wind turbine kit for people to easily install and deploy a home wind turbine. Our home wind turbines are manufactured for business, farm, and residential. Our home wind turbine is a precision machined and perfectly balanced home wind turbine. The rooftop home wind turbine kits we manufacture have hybrid wind/solar technology. We invented the only rooftop home wind turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified in every state to 130mph.

WindEnergy7 LLC, Ohio based wind turbine manufacturers of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our home wind turbine training. Our home wind turbine systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your home wind turbine and installation costs.

These systems are only available from the wind turbine manufacturers, WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a customer, installer, or Dealer for the wind turbine manufacturer.

Texas Energy Policy, Inhibiting Green Energy!

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Related Article: Michigan Energy Policy, Needs Change In Leadership?

Real Quick, What is net metering?
“Net Metering” is the most critical public policy and state regulated rules that govern YOUR PERSONAL ENERGY RIGHTS, FREEDOM. Through Net Metering, energy consumed and produced at a home or business that has a home wind turbine or solar system is metered and credited. Under net metering, excess electricity produced by the wind turbine will spin the existing home or business electricity meter backwards, effectively banking the electricity until it is needed by the customer. This provides the customer with full retail value for all the electricity produced.

If you can’t afford a windmill or solar system for your home, we still need you to get involved, right here. This article will point out how your state, Texas has serious limits on your personal energy rights. That’s right, people in states like Colorado, New Jersey, etc. have far more rights and freedom for personal energy than you. Please make these same points to your elected officials, Governor, State Representatives, Local newspapers, and Utility Commissions. Join me in calling on US Congress and US Senate to legislate a standardized Net Metering Policy, nationally. We need National Standards for Net Metering Policy to support wind and solar progress, not stifle it. Having these states all do their own thing is limiting many Americans from their personal energy rights. But first, for now, we need to shine the light on these state policies and get reforms in our own back yard.

Here’s a quick look at Texas Net Metering Rules. I’m going to compare them to other states, states where the government Utility Commissions and Politicians are on the side of taxpayers and not sold out to Fat Cat Utility companies. If the Texas taxpayers don’t understand what needs to happen, and make noise to public officials, then the Utility Companies are the ones most influencing policy, not the consumers. Thus we will be stuck with these limits on green energy for homeowners and businesses.

I’ll use Colorado and New Jersey in some real basic policy comparisons so you can easily see where you, in Texas, are getting hosed by Big Utility friendly policy.

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Texas Limit on System Size: 100 kW for qualifying facilities; 50 kW for renewables (see summary)
OK, that is enough for most but not all residences, depending on wind resources. Any very large residence, normal business, or a consumer in a lower wind area could need more power than that. What does that mean? Well, it means that by your states Utility Commission rules, they and their big Utilities they are supposed to “regulate” have it fixed on the taxpayer. As a taxpayer, many larger residences and most businesses will have to go Off-Grid to generate ALL their own power. Not good enough. No freedom in that, no justice. WHO is most likely to afford to invest in green energy? The largest residences and some stable businesses that can afford it… Doh. Sorry, your elected officials and their corrupt Utility “Regulators” have basicall put a limit in there for that…

Compare To, New Jersey Limit on System Size: 2MW, 2,000,000 watts
OK, meaning a person in New Jersey has dramatically more rights to personal energy than a taxpayer in Texas. That’s enough to power 2 WalMart stores! To be mathematic, a New Jersey taxpayer has 20 times the personal energy rights than a taxpayer in Texas. That sucks for Texas taxpayers, but maybe not so bad for the Big Utilities and the government “regulators” and politicians that support these limits on taxpayer rights to personal energy. They keep that ceiling over your head to hold back green energy, or keep it for themselves. We all have wind, sun, we should all have freedom to make OUR OWN electricity from it.

Texas Limit on Overall Enrollment: None
OK, this is great, same as leading states like Colorado. In many states like Michigan, the fat cats have it capped at 0.5% of grid capacity, then they don’t have to allow anyone else… It’s too successful at 0.5% and they want it stopped.. Nice.

Texas Treatment of Net Excess: Purchased by utility for a given billing period at avoided-cost rate.
OK, that’s a rip off. That means they can pay you whatever their idea is of their “avoided cost”. Bogus. And they can take your excess, pay you a fraction for your power generated, sell it to your neighbors an retail rate. Your Texas Net Metering Policy is getting an “F” for this bad policy. This should specifically be a 1 to 1 retail rate, what they charge is what they credit/pay otherwise they are taking advantage.

Colorado, Treatment of Net Excess: Credited to customer’s next bill; IOUs: utility pays customer at end of calendar year for excess kWh credits at the average hourly incremental cost for that year. Co-ops and Munis: annual reconciliation at a rate deemed appropriate by the utility. The annual period is undefined.

Texas Utilities Involved: Applies only to all integrated IOUs that have not unbundled in accordance with Public Utility Regulatory Act § 39.05; does not apply to municipal utilities, river authorities and electric cooperatives
Oh Boy, In Texas, some of the highest cost power is in munis, co-ops, and river authorities. These rules are crafted to allow many over-priced Utility Companies to be outside the rules. That stinks too. We need all inclusive wording here no matter who’s contriuting to who’s campaign, or paying gifts, bribes, whatever goes on there.

Colorado Utilities Involved: All IOUs and co-ops; munis with more than 5,000 customers
OK, Here, Colorado basically doesn’t let anyone out of Net Metering Rules, that’s really good. In Texas, some of the highest cost power is in munis and co-ops. Texas needs to step up to other states level of energy freedom here and “regulate”, stop protecting their buddies.

*HB 3693, passed in May 2007 and effective September 2007, appears to make significant modifications to Texas net metering and interconnection policy. As of April 2008, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) were still in the process of implementing this legislation. Although implementation is ongoing, an April 2008 PUCT order clarifies that net metering will not be available in areas of Texas in which retail electric competition has been introduced. The impact of HB 3693 on net metering availability in non-competitive areas of Texas is still being determined. PUCT documents on this subject are available under Docket 34890 while ERCOT is addressing issues for small renewable generators (<50 kW) through its Profiling Working Group.

As we speak there are loopholes and complication being piled on in favor of Fat Cat Utilities by bureaucrats and politicians beholden to them. This PUCT, ERCOT, and such is a diversion allowing multiple rules in play on your rights… YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED.

Also, forward these links to your local texas papers and write letters to the editor, send to local news for exposure and attention.

Contact: Governor Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428
Citizen’s Opinion Hotline: (800) 252-9600
FAX: (512) 463-1849
FAX:(517) 335-6863

Public Information – PUCT
Public Utility Commission of Texas

7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, #400N
Austin, TX 78757
Phone: (512) 936-7000

Contact: Texas State Representatives:
Leadership in the House is headed by the Speaker of the House, who makes committee appointments and designates which committee(s) each Representative will serve on.

Here you can find a listing all Texas Representatives and their contact information, including office phone numbers and e-mail addresses. If you use this by Zip Code, it will give you your US Senators as well.
Find Texas State Representatives By Zip

For Wind Turbine Sales or Dealer Inquiries

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

El Paso County TX Wind Farm, Hueco Mountain

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Located near the Hueco Mountains east of Horizon City, about 35 miles from the City of El Paso’s downtown district is a wind farm, El Paso Electric’s Hueco Mountain Wind Ranch.  The first wind energy generating project in  El Paso County. Resulting from customer suggestions that EPE acquire renewable resources and give customers the opportunity to voluntarily select renewable energy as a power source.texas wind energy hueco wind ranch

The EPE Hueco Wind Ranch has two 660 kilowatt V-47 Vestas wind turbines.  These Vestas turbines have 77-ft.-long rotor blades (154 ft. diameter) mounted on 213-ft. towers. Built in Denmark, the turbines were shipped to the U.S. in January 2001. The top two sections of the three section towers were constructed at Bergen Steel of Canutillo, Texas, and the bottom section was built in Utah.

The vestas 660kW wind turbines are expected to eventually generate approximately 3,000,000 kWh of electricity a year, which is equivalent to the energy needed to power approximately 500 average El Paso households.  Wind turbines in this area will generate the most energy during the winter and spring months.

Cielo Wind Power LLC was selected in January 2000 to develop this wind energy project at an approximate cost of $2.2 million. In December 2000, EPE contracted with Cielo Wind Power LLC to build the wind project and perform operations and maintenance services. Construction on the project began in late December 2000.  This project serves as another example of profitable use of wind turbine technology.

Wind turbines do not generate any emissions to air or water and do not produce hazardous waste. Wind turbines don’t deplete natural resources such as coal, oil, or gas, or cause environmental damage through resource extraction and transportation. The pollution-free electricity generated by wind turbine technology is helping to reduce the environmental pollution in the U.S. and worldwide.

Today, Texas is the leading producer of clean renewable wind power.  Texas has 4,112 megawatts of wind generation capacity as a result of their leadership and vision in wind energy since 1995.  Today Texas wind energy projects are moving forward at a tremendous rate with another 1,478 MW of capacity under construction and 8,012 MW planned and announced.  No other state has more deployed wind energy than the Lone Star state and at this rate, no-one will catch them either.

To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.