Posts Tagged ‘photovoltaic manufacturers’

Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturers who invented the Home Wind Turbine Kit, have a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. for their area.  A customer can get up to 5 counties as territory from the manufacturer and sell the systems with WindEnergy7’s assistance and support.  It’s a very grass roots network that is creating green jobs all across the US.  Click on the Dealer Link at WindEnergy7-Com for full information.  There are three videos detailing how you can get involved with the wind turbine manufacturers dealer program and create your own green job and local green business. — Inventor of the RoofMill™ solar home wind turbine kit. WindEnergy7 has more options for wind/solar for homes because of our many innovations with inventions that they manufacture and patents making small wind power  systems possible. WindEnergy7 is not an importer, but the wind turbine manufacturers featuring durable American steel manufactured in Ohio USA.

The manufacturer has an installed base from California to New Jersey, Europe, and Canada.  Their all weather systems are ready for your environment. RoofMill™, the flagship product that was invented and manufactured in the US is the popular choice for homes and businesses due to outstanding reliability, efficiency, and ease of deployment. In an urban environment, the RoofMill™ is out of the way and leverages it’s easy installation as a way to get through permitting.

Our RoofMill is not a construction project, requires NO CONCRETE, walls, trenches, cranes, thus is the popular choice for urban or residential wind and solar installation. Our patented design makes it possible to deploy wind power in an easy effective way for anyone. TowerMill™ is our tower based solar for home product. TowerMill™ is a good choice for farm, ranch, or residences with an acre or more. Our HO TowerMill™ product has a low wind startup speed that is the envy of competitors. TowerMill™ features all the great advancements from our RoofMill™ line with larger

These systems are ONLY AVAILABLE FROM WindEnergy7-Com, We manufacture our patented inventions, the home wind turbine kit for people to easily install and deploy a home wind turbine. Our home wind turbines are manufactured for business, farm, and residential. Our home wind turbine is a precision machined and perfectly balanced home wind turbine. The rooftop home wind turbine kits we manufacture have hybrid wind/solar technology. We invented the only rooftop home wind turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified in every state to 130mph.

WindEnergy7 LLC, Ohio based wind turbine manufacturers of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our home wind turbine training. Our home wind turbine systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your home wind turbine and installation costs.

These systems are only available from the wind turbine manufacturers, WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a customer, installer, or Dealer for the wind turbine manufacturer.