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Texas Wind Farm, Indian Mesa, Pecos County

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Wind farms in west Texas have been located in mountainous areas near Fort Davis, Guadalupe Peak, the mesas east of Fort Stockton, and near Big Spring and Sweetwater. That the initial investment in Fort Stockton was about $200 million.indan-mesa-wind-farm-pecos-county-texas

The Indian Mesa Wind Farm is located in Pecos County, Texas. The project was completed in 2001. One hundred twenty-five Vestas V-47 wind turbines produce up to 83 Megawatts of electricity. Electricity produced by the project is purchased by the Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, Texas, and TXU Energy Trading Company, Dallas, Texas. The project is connected to the transmission lines of American Electric Power subsidiary West Texas Utilities. The project is built on land owned by local ranching families and by the University of Texas.

The successful wind plant funded by Fort Stockton on I-10 in eastern Pecos County, and the plant near Big Spring generate revenue by selling electricity to electric companies.  These funds are to pay the loan back within a few years.  After the financing is paid off, the revenue would be a benefit, an income.

Much of West Texas is suitable for wind farms since there is plenty of wind and a good infrastructure of high voltage transmission lines.  Texas lawmakers created a hungry market when they wrote a law nine years ago that requires utilities to buy renewable power. On the federal level, a tax credit encourages investors to put money into wind power.

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