Posts Tagged ‘diy wind turbine blades’

DIY Home Wind Turbine Kits

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

I enjoy doing this work, helping homeowners build and install wind/solar hybrid systems. has kits starting at just under a thousand bucks and going up to whatever size project a customer needs.  Although we have larger community sized wind turbines for school districts or local government projects, it’s the small home wind systems that are most fun.  The best selling is the smaller rooftop mounted turbines that connect with a solar panel to give clean reliable power.  

You see, since the wind is stronger in the winter months, sun is stronger in the summer months, we designed a system that is attractively priced, that gives an even flow of energy year round.  The synergy of a wind/solar hybrid system gives you more consistant energy for your home throughout the year.

I think it’s great to check out the home grown turbine kits and plans, but for most people, a professionally designed high tech kit is the way to go.  It’s way simple to assemble and put up and is simply more attractive at the home.  If you want a project of experimentation and something that looks home made on your house, I encourage you to build a home made junkyard turbine.  But that’s definitely not the best way to go for most homeowners.  My starter kits put out far more reliably and will perform much better than a clumsy homegrown junkyard turbine, just a thought.  
Small DIY Wind Turbine Kits

Small Wind/Solar Systems

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.