Posts Tagged ‘battery bank size’

Wind Turbine Batteries

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Solar Battery Wind Battery Bank, The inventor of the Home Wind Turbine Kit, talks about batteries for home wind/solar hybrid systems. We don’t recommend that you buy the expensive batteries but to use the commodity golf cart batteries. The battery bank and inverter are the heart of your alternative energy system. What kind of batteries is important and if you do this correctly and ger good charging and inverting for the system. We recommend Interstate U2200 golf cart batteries and a nice metal cabinet to house the inverter, batteries, controller etc.

WindEnergy7 LLC holds the patent pending inventions that make rooftop wind turbines possible. Before my invention of the method and apparatus, all rooftop turbines had failed because of harsh vibration and noise to the home. My customers have found the systems to be easy to install and operate. They also quickly notice how easy they are to sell, thus we created an owner/dealer opportunity. Owners of our systems can get a territory and make money helping others with residential wind/solar systems. We now have owner/dealers from California to New Jersey selling our units into their communities. — Visit the website if you would like to buy a system or become a dealer and fill out a contact form.

Science & Technology

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