Power Inverters Output – Frequency 50hz vs 60hz?

We help people with small wind generator systems all the time. When individuals start learning about the technology, they begin looking at different available components. Power inverters take DC current from a wind system anf change it to AC current for home power and home appliances to run on. The most common question that comes up is “what will happen if I get a 50 Hz inverter, the 60hz is more expensive?”  The  best answer I can give is “Dont try That at Home”  Be warned, let me inform what can happen using 50hz Asian/European inverters with US standard appliances and electrical systems.

Manufacturers build electrical devices for a certain amount of Current, Voltage and Hertz (Cycles) which is mentioned on the name plate. The Current is dependent of the Voltage and the Hertz supplied to an electric motor or appliance.

If this electrical Current running through your US appliance is higher than it is designed for, because you bought a cheap Asian/Eoropean 50hz inverter, here’s what happens. The appliance burns out, leading to premature failure, wear, and can cause a fire.

Standards for Electrical Voltage and Hertz are different in different parts of the world, roughly you can distinguish:
120 and 220 Volt; 60 Hertz (USA)
230 Volt; 50 Hertz (Europe & Asia)

What happens if you connect a 60 Hertz motor to a 50 Hertz mains:
– The motor turns 17% slower
– The internal current goes up by 17%
– The power (watt) goes down with 17 %
– The mechanical cooling is less, because of 17% less turns
– Insulation of the electrical wiring deteriorate much quicker
– Sometime results in a burn-out, which could cause a fire.pure sine wave inverter

WindEnergy7 only sells and recommends safe components that were all desined and configured to work with United States appliances and electrical standards. If you are wanting a home wind generation system, let us assist you and make as safe a system as we can.

If you are interested in starting a wind project for your residence or acreage, contact us. To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.


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