the Solar Energy created is great. Our system uses the Solar Energy that creates both the Solar Energy for PV as well as the Solar Energy that creates wind power and wind energy to power YOUR HOME.
Residential wind power products ONLY Available From The residential wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making residential wind power work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.
The second system pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your residential electric bill.
Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a system for your residential. WindEnergy7-com
The Solar energy begins with radiant heat and light made by the sun Since ancient times humans have used many technologies evolving over time. The solar energy creates Solar radiation, Other energy resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, accounting for almost every available renewable energy on earth are created by the Solar Energy. Only a small part of our earths available solar energy gets used.
To harvest the solar energy, the most common way is to use solar panels. The Solar Energy electrical generation relies on thermal and PV (photovoltaic) solar energy panels. Use of the Solar energy is limitless and technology improves every day in how we can harness the Solar Energy. A short list of the uses of the solar energy would include daylighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, space heating and cooling through solar architecture, potable water via distillation and disinfection, and high temperature process heat for industrial purpose using the Solar Energy.
The Solar Energy technologies today are classified in two categories, passive solar energy or active solar energy. This classification would depend on how they capture, convert and distribute the solar energy. Active solar energy includes the use of PV (photovoltaic) solar energy panels and solar energy thermal collectors to harness the solar energy. The Solar Energy methods considered passive solar energy include designing spaces that naturally circulate air, orienting a building to the Sun, or selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties.
Contact us by filling out a contact form and we will refer you to someone who can help provide you with information on buying a system or becoming a dealer.
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