Posts Tagged ‘home wind energy’

WindEnergy7 LLC

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

WindEnergy7 LLC rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind/solar technology. The products shown here are only available from WINDENERGY7-COM because they are our invention. We invented the only rooftop turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified to 130mph. Only Available at WIND ENERGY 7 (dot) COM

WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. We hold patents for our inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our products and an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our wind turbine training.

Our systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your hardware and installation costs.

Visit our site at WINDENERGY7 . COM and fill out a contact form.

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Home Wind Generator

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

These systems pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your home electric bill.

These are 4th of July Pictures from our latest installation. What you are looking at is the RoofMill™ HO 7kW Home Wind Farm Kit. This is the RoofMill™ HO 7kW, the largest residential roof mounted hybrid home system recently installed for a homeowner in Ohio. But not for long. In Texas starting next week, we are installing a RoofMill™ HO 13kW system with almost twice the capacity as this system.

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These 5 turbines work day and night to bring energy to the residence. On the south wall of the pole barn we mounted a 10 panel solar awning. Soon this hybrid wind/solar system will be charging a Nissan Leaf, electric car for daily driving.

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These Home Wind Generator products Only Available From The home wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these Home Wind Generator systems making home wind generators work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.

The first system pictured here it the TowerMill™, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price/performance system available for a home wind generator. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill™ system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill™ is such a superior product to anything else out there.

These systems pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your home electric bill.

Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a home wind generator system for your home. WindEnergy7-com

Only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers, the systems are shipped straight to your home. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.


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– home wind electric generator
– home wind energy
– home wind generator
– home wind generators
– home wind power
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– home wind turbines
– home windmill
– home windmills
– homemade wind power
– wind power for homes
– wind turbines for homes
– wind turbines for the home

Home Wind Turbines

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturers, located in Ohio, have an opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer in their local community. WindEnergy7 has a dealer and installer network in more than 30 states all across the US.

We don’t sell parts and pieces, a home wind turbine kit from us is a complete system of matched components, engineered to work as planned. We back you up with technical support, training, and even help you become a Wind/Solar Dealer for your area if you like. See Movie Below, Home Wind Turbine Kit

Since the new law was passed for the 30% IRS tax credit, customers get 30% of their system paid for by the IRS. All our system are qualified for full 30% credit. We have been fielding calls and emails from all over the country. This past year, we installed home wind/solar kits from Hawaii to New Jersey, Canada, and Europe. A home wind turbine kit is such a good investment. You can read about the new home wind turbine tax incentives here.

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.

Have a look at these windmaps at the link above and see can you pinpoint what number your area is in. 2 is OK and anything over 2 is very good. Let’s double check your wind resources are good. Check Your Wind Map Here

Home WindMill Generators Ice Snow

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

ONLY AVAILABLE FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturers, located in Ohio, have an opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer in their local community. WindEnergy7 has a dealer and installer network in more than 30 states all across the US. We invented the home wind turbine kit and specialize in complete systems with outstanding technical support and installer training. – These Products ONLY Available At WindEnergy7-Com – We invented the RoofMill™ rooftop home wind turbine kit and it’s only available from our company or one of our dealers. This video shows our home windmill generator kit in the ice and snow, heavy winter conditions. Like all other conditions, our sturdy all-weater systems hold up to any weather and just keep making green energy for your home. As shown in the home windmill generator video, these home windmill generator kits keep spinning in heavy snow and ice during winter. With the rising costs of today’s electricity, many homeowners are motivated by free electricity. With the current environmental situation, many home windmill generator buyers are motivated by the clean renewable energy, reducing pollution and carbon footprint. In todays economy, many are motivated to save money, living off their free electricity and these home windmill generator jobs are important. There are people selling and installing these new home windmill generator kits for all across the US. WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Windmill Generator manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home windmill generator dealer. Home windmill generator jobs are created for local installation and sales in each community where the home windmill generator kits are adopted and sold. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.

Home Wind Generator

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

These Home Wind Generator products Only Available From The home wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these Home Wind Generator systems making home wind generators work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.

The first system pictured here it the TowerMill™, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price/performance system available for a home wind generator. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill™ system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill™ is such a superior product to anything else out there.

The second system pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your home electric bill.

Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a home wind generator system for your home. WindEnergy7-com

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.

Home Wind Power

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

These Home Wind Power products Only Available From The home wind power systems featured on this video are exclusive technology, WindEnergy7 has invented many of the best features in these systems making home wind power work. There’s a reason why these systems are so successful and effective, it’s mainly the ideas and innovations developed by WindEnergy7.

The first system pictured here it the TowerMill™, which is a product designed and manufactured by WindEnergy7, it is the best price/performance system available for home wind power. If you have the space and appropriate site for a TowerMill™ system, it is the best system you can buy. Talk to WindEnergy7 before you buy anything else to find out why this TowerMill™ is such a superior product to anything else out there.

The second system pictured is the RoofMill™, and exclusive invention of WindEnergy7 that is not available anywhere else. The RoofMill™ is the best green energy solution for urban and suburban installation. It simply mounts to the roof of almost any structure. Certified to 130mph wind, this durable, quiet system will reduce or eliminate your home electric bill.

Contact WindEnergy7 for more information. Go to our website at WindEnergy7-com and click on the Contact link. We will send you additional information about home wind power and get you in contact with someone who can consult with you about a system for your home. WindEnergy7-com

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer.

Home Wind Turbine Kits

Friday, October 29th, 2010

PRODUCTS AVAILABLE ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Energy System manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. – The rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind technology. We invented the only rooftop turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified to 130mph. WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. We have exclusive inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our products and an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts.

Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our wind turbine training. Our systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your hardware and installation costs.

These Systems Only Available at WindEnergy7-Com – You Can Become a Wind Turbine, Wind Hybrid System Dealer. We are forming a customer/dealer & distributor network. Dealership details and wind turbine dealer agreements are only available to customers who have purchased a system and want to then become a home wind turbine dealer. If you buy a system, you can become a dealer with no further investment. There’s a very simple agreement and structure, all win/win. You must be committed enough to buy a system and learn from us about our wind turbines from direct experience.

We take much time and great effort to educate customers and dealers all about wind/solar hybrid technology. Making dealership details available to customers only helps us to separate those who just look at opportunities from people who will act. is granting dealer territory by county map. So the opportunity to be exclusive dealer our home wind turbine kits for your county and surrounding counties is most likely still available. This is a first come first serve opportunity and counties are going fast to new dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a home wind turbine system. As a turbine owner you are now really in a position to show and help others do same. As a customer of you will be learning everything about home wind turbines and will become very comfortable with the technology. You will notice how interested friends and neighbors are, and how systems are so easy to sell. Once you have bought a system, all you have to invest to be a dealer
Video Rating: 5 / 5

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or becoming a local home wind turbine dealer.

Home Wind Turbine

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

RoofMill™, is the invention of WindEnergy7 LLC founder, speaking in the video. This patent pending invention released last year has won the Think Green Design Award 2010, in a contest by Allied Electronics. RoofMill™ Advance Home Energy System, it’s a grid tied home wind turbine generator together with rooftop solar panels in a complete “Whole House” system. It has emergency UPS for your home and can run your meter backwards selling unused power.

To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Home Wind Turbine Kits, Residential Wind Power Kits
Wide selection of wind turbines home use home built turbines home made turbines turbines for home use turbines for the home home gas turbine home turbine …

Wind Turbine Tax Credit | Home Wind Turbine
receive a credit for 30% of the total installed cost of the system. The credit will be available for equipment installed and the amount of …

Home Wind Turbine Kit | Home Wind Turbine
Oct 9, 2008 … WindEnergy7, inventor of the first and best home wind turbine kit. Our home wind turbine dealers, installers, and customers span the US, …

Home Wind Turbine
Home Wind Turbine for sale and wind turbine for home using home built turbine home made turbine turbine for home use turbine for the home home gas turbine … :: Home Wind Turbine Buyer’s Guide
But the videos are the best thing to see as they really show you what it’s like to have a home wind turbine installed and running. …

Solar Kit | Home Wind Turbine
Oct 8, 2010 … ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com – WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people …

Small Wind Turbines | Home Wind Turbine
Sep 6, 2010 … Author: WindEnergy7 Added : 10 Months Ago Description: Small Wind Turbines – Our exclusive small wind turbine rooftop kit is currently …

Wind Energy | Home Wind Turbine
These systems are ONLY AVAILABLE FROM WindEnergy7-Com, We manufacture our patented inventions, the home wind turbine kit for people to easily install and …

Home Wind Turbines | Home Wind Turbine
Oct 4, 2010 … ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com – WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has an opportunity for people who buy a …

To Buy a Wind Turbine or Become a Dealer, Please fill out our Contact Form. The system will automatically send you some additional info.

Home Wind Turbines

Monday, October 4th, 2010

ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has an opportunity for people who buy a home energy system to become the local dealer for home wind turbines.  We are one of the few places where green jobs are actually being created. – A US manufacturer of home wind turbine kits. Our patented home wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a home wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our home wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, rooftop wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer.

RoofMill™, is the invention of WindEnergy7 LLC founder, speaking in the video. This patent pending invention released last year has won the Think Green Design Award 2010, in a contest by Allied Electronics. RoofMill™ Advance Home Energy System, it’s a grid tied home wind turbine generator together with rooftop solar panels in a complete “Whole House” system. It has emergency UPS for your home and can run your meter backwards selling unused power.

The home wind turbine has a 2 moving part generator using the strongest magnets in the world, less moving parts than any other competitor. Less moving parts in a home wind turbine means less wear, less noise and vibration making the home wind turbine quiet on your home’s roof. Our home wind turbine will run smoothly and spin your meter backwards. We have more installed rooftop home wind generators than anyone because we have solved the noise and vibration that is the problem of all other systems out there who try to put home wind turbines on a rooftop.
Video Rating: 4 / 5 – An Ohio manufacturer of home wind turbine kits. Our patented small wind turbine rooftop kit is currently available for purchase online. Or buy a small wind turbine from our established nationwide wind turbine dealer and wind turbine installer network. Our small wind turbine is a very high tech, quality engineered, roof mounted wind turbine kit, invented and patented by WindEnergy7 LLC, an Ohio manufacturer.

Less moving parts in a small wind turbine means less wear, less noise and vibration making the small wind turbine quiet on your home’s roof. Our small wind turbine will run smoothly and spin your meter backwards. We have more installed rooftop small wind turbines than anyone because we have solved the noise and vibration that is the problem of all other systems out there who try to put small wind turbines on a rooftop.

These systems are ONLY AVAILABLE from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or wind turbine dealer in your local community.

home wind turbine kit

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

ONLY FROM: WindEnergy7-Com WindEnergy7 LLC, The Home Wind Turbine manufacturer, located in Ohio, has a owner/dealer opportunity for people to get a system and become the local home wind turbine dealer. – The rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind technology. We invented the only rooftop turbine that’s safe and quiet for your home, certified to 130mph. WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. We have exclusive inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our products and an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts.

Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our wind turbine training. Our systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your hardware and installation costs.

These Systems Only Available at WindEnergy7-Com – You Can Become a Wind Turbine, Wind Hybrid System Dealer. We are forming a customer/dealer & distributor network. Dealership details and wind turbine dealer agreements are only available to customers who have purchased a system and want to then become a home wind turbine dealer. If you buy a system, you can become a dealer with no further investment. There’s a very simple agreement and structure, all win/win. You must be committed enough to buy a system and learn from us about our wind turbines from direct experience.

We take much time and great effort to educate customers and dealers all about wind/solar hybrid technology. Making dealership details available to customers only helps us to separate those who just look at opportunities from people who will act. is granting dealer territory by county map. So the opportunity to be exclusive dealer for your county and surrounding counties is most likely still available. This is a first come first serve opportunity and counties are going fast to new dealers. Again, first step is to buy and install a home wind turbine system. As a turbine owner you are now really in a position to show and help others do same. As a customer of you will be learning everything about home wind turbines and will become very comfortable with the technology. You will notice how interested friends and neighbors are, and how systems are so easy to sell. Once you have bought a system, all you have to invest to be a dealer
Video Rating: 5 / 5

These systems are only available from WindEnergy7-Com or one of their local dealers. For more information, or to become a customer, dealer, or installer, go to the site at and fill out their Contact form to find out about becoming a wind turbine customer, installer, or becoming a local home wind turbine dealer.