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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 5:51 am Central Time Forum Index

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*Sale Pricing This Week

3 Turbine Wind/Solar Kits = $1,000 off +
Over $4200 IRS Tax Credit
HO-4.2kW (High Output) 3 Rooftop Turbine Wind/Solar, Grid-Tie Complete Kit.
Regular Price $17,190
TODAY = $16,190

2 Turbine Wind/Solar Kits = $1,000 off +
Over $2900 IRS Tax Credit
HO-2.8kW (High Output) 2 Rooftop Turbine Wind/Solar, Grid-Tie Complete Kit.
Regular Price $11,790
TODAY = $10,790

1 Turbine Wind/Solar Kits = $1,000 off +
Over $1600 IRS Tax Credit
HO-1.4kW (High Output) 1 Rooftop Turbine Wind/Solar, Grid-Tie Complete Kit.
Regular Price $6,590
TODAY = $5,590

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*Sale prices not available WITH dealer sales commissions. Dealers can either buy at sale price or dealer price, NOT BOTH. WE7 cannot sell at a loss.

More Videos Wind Turbine Videos

These are just a couple of my favorite energy conservation tips for winter. Since you use more heat and lighting during winter months I thought I would release this now to help some folks save energy during the winter.

Buy Home Wind Turbines and Solar
The best way to do a green energy project for the home is to get a kit of perfectly matched components engineered to work as planned. First options in choosing your kit are, wind only, or wind AND solar. Having a hybrid wind AND solar system is really going to make it a more consistant green energy system. We can't all afford a giant windmill or solar system, these WindEnergy7 kits are affordable. Below is a graph showing the weather cycles of wind/solar and why wind/solar hybrid is so much better than solar only, or wind only systems. .... [wind turbine guide]

Rooftop wind turbine seen as green energy starter kit
If the power fails in Loveland, Wesley Baldassare knows that his refrigerator and heater still will work. Baldassare, a home improvement contractor, installed a home wind turbine on his roof Wednesday after showing it off at a few area home and garden shows. The turbine uses wind energy to produce power for his home. ÒThis is designed as a starter kit for green energy," he said. "It's designed to go on the roof, which makes it practical for homeowners." Baldassare is a Colorado and Wyoming dealer for Windenergy7, a green energy company out of Ohio. He started... [rooftop wind turbine]

turbine HO system installed and running - if you turn up the sound on this clip at right, you can hear the cars driving by the house are far more noisy than the system running on the roof. You can hear crickets, birds, tree leaves blowing, all louder than the sound of these quiet smooth turning systems.

The blades are spinning so fast in about a 10mph wind that the internet video can't really display it well. We used fast speed capture so that the blades would not be just blurry. I real life, watching this in person, you can hardly see the blades at all because they are just a light blur.