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Prior To Finish, Can I Leave Turbine Spinning?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:03 pm
by admin
Hello, I have some interested people coming over to look at the system. But, I am not finished installing and wiring but wanted to go ahead and put the turbine up and spinning. I figured this will be fine but thought I would ask anyway.


This is out of order. FIRST is the inverter, battery bank, and wiring circuit. That can all stand on its own before having solar panels and wind turbines. The solar panels and wind turbines are the LAST THING TO INSTALL.

Before and during installation of a turbine you need to be tying blades down while installing your system. It will of course damage the generator if blades rotate without controller and battery connected. I just tie one blade to the mast to hold it still.

Once Power is generated from the wind turbine generator, if no battery is ready to store the power and no controller to chcek and protect the voltage, generator might be burned and likely damaged including safety issues. So, don't do that. Hold the blades by tying one to the mast until all wiring is completed and ready.

Do not allow spinning till all connections are ready and it's time to actually operate. THEN let the turbine fly. Showing off as completed isn't worth burning a turbine. Please don't do that, that would fall under improper installation.