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What Size System Do I Need?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:53 pm
by admin
>> I have my bill from AEP showing my average usage for my home
>> is 1610kwH per month. From that what size turbine or system
>> should I be ordering? What size wind/solar RoofMill do I need?

This is usually as much about your budget as it is your energy analysis. Any size system will do a portion of your power relative to the money you can afford to put into it. So I always advise a customer to do the size system that fits your budget and if it's a smaller system, that's OK. You can always upgrade and build these systems up over time.


I would recommend for most customers that a 6kW kit is a best starting point to evaluate. It's a very cost effective system size and is completely upgradeable at any time. This is my MOST POPULAR best selling solar wind turbine kit. Its also mostly based on price point it seems, now that my solar has come down in cost most customers doing solar only are going to 10kW and above system sizes.

So, the 6 kW system is designed as a great size for empty nest couple and middle class sized American home. Over the long term, that is the best size for most of my customers.

Remember, if you have kids at home, them you can surely plan that power use to drop when they leave. For most customers that power bill drops to about 1/2 of the full family at home electric bill.

Many other competitors aren't advising customers of stuff like that. But I do. This is a 30+ year system and for me, I am making relationships to be your electric source for a very long haul. Its a referral based business that I run and all on the reputation home by home.

Fact is, if you buy a system that does all your power while your kids are at home. When they leave, you have more power than you needed, and actually over-invested. You can always add on with our kits. A good safe first move with kids at home is about 30 to 60% of your electric bill in green power. Over time, that is the safest and most prudent course and then look and see if you may want to add on.