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Can I Take IRS Wind/Solar Tax Credit Twice?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:13 pm
by admin
>> My system is running great and I am about to get my first IRS
>> TAX credit from the 4.2KW system back with my refund.

>> Question is, if I buy another 2.8kW to put on the garage will I
>> be able to get the same 30% tax credit again on the second
>> purchase? Also will that upgrade work if I just wire it into the
>> garage sub-panel?

Hi Bill, Glad you like the system. Yes, and Yes. There is no limit or rule on how many times or how large an amount you can get the 30% tax credit. So, sure, you can have if for 2011 for the 4.2kW you already installed. Then buy another kit, the 2.8kW RoofMill™ and IRS will pay for 30% of that on your 2012 tax return.

That's almost $10,000 in taxes turned into property and hard asset, right to your net worth. Excellent.

The upgrades will be just fine installed like you say. Just attach to a breaker in the panel, anywhere in your home system and it will send power all through the house and out to the meter. No problem at all. Now you will have 2 redundant systems. So, not only 4 sources of power, but now 2 separate sources on top of that. That's serious emergency power and energy security.'

Anyone wanting a small wind turbine, fill out the contact form and I can connect you with the dealer for your area. There are still areas open in most states for new dealers but many counties and a few entire states are taken up and several people are saying they are going to get their territory. So, if you are interested in becoming a dealer fill out the same form and we can see if your area may still be open.

If you are ready to buy or wanting to see pricing and options of our systems,
click here.. Wind/Solar Store.